Genesis of Young Lithospheric Mantle in Southeastern China: an LAM–ICPMS Trace Element Study

depleted compositions occur in the upper part of the lithospheric Geological and geophysical evidence indicates that at least 100 km mantle, which now is >100 km thick. Garnet peridotites are of Archaean to Proterozoic lithospheric mantle has been removed essentially undepleted, and Y–Ga–Zr relationships of the garnets from beneath large areas of eastern and southeastern China during are typical of Phanerozoic mantle. The overall highly fertile nature late Mesozoic to Cenozoic time. Mantle-derived xenoliths in Tertiary of the existing lithosphere requires that the Archaean and Proterozoic basalts from several localities across this region have been studied mantle that existed beneath the region in Palaeozoic times has been by X-ray fluorescence, electron microprobe and laser ablation microlargely or completely removed, and replaced by younger, hotter and probe–inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to characterize more fertile material. This probably occurred by upwelling of this thinner lithosphere. Trace element patterns of clinopyroxenes in asthenospheric material during late Mesozoic to Cenozoic time, the peridotites from southeastern China can be divided into four underplating to form new lithosphere. The occurrence of rare depleted groups: fertile garnet lherzolites, fertile spinel (± garnet) lherzolites, xenoliths may show that some older mantle material is residual and and depleted and enriched peridotites. The addition of Nb, Sr, light coexists with younger material beneath southeastern China. rare earth elements, but not of Ti and Zr, suggests a metasomatizing agent containing both H2O and CO2. This study also demonstrates that the negative Ti anomaly commonly observed in clinopyroxene from mantle peridotites cannot be balanced by the Ti in coexisting orthopyroxene, but can be explained by small degrees of partial

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