Short gamma-ray bursts from tidal capture and collisions of compact stars in globular clusters

A new mechanism is proposed by which short gamma-ray burst (SGRB) production can be achieved. In this new paradigm, it is supposed that the compact objects contained within a globular cluster (GC) interact through close encounters, rather than being driven together by pure gravitational wave emission in existing binaries. Here we perform a careful assessment of the relevant processes and stellar dynamics within GCs as these undergo core collapse over cosmic time. We show that such events are frequent enough in their cores to be consistent both with current observational rate demands for SGRB production and with the widening range of observed redshifts of the associated hosts. Precise modeling of the hydrodynamics allows for a detailed description of the encounter, and our calculations show that there is in principle no problem in accounting for the global energy budget of a typical SGRB. The particulars of each collision, are variable in several aspects, and can lead to interesting diversity. First, the characteristics of the encounter are highly dependent on the impact parameter. This is in contrast to the merger scenario, where the masses of the compact objects dictate a typical length and luminosity scale for SGRB activity. Second, the nature of the compact star itself can produce very different outcomes. Finally, the presence of tidal tails in which material will fall back onto the central object at a later time is a robust feature of the present set of calculations. The mass involved in these structures is considerably larger than for binary mergers. It is thus possible, in principle, to account generically in this scenario for a prompt episode of energy release as well as for activity many dynamical time scales later. (abridged)