Reverse driving character plays an important role in evaluating the performance of a haptic device, and it is the primary rule in the mechanical design. This article mainly investigates the problem of 2-DOF haptic device design for improving reverse driving character. Firstly, a 2-DOF closed chain haptic device is designed in the paper and a physical prototype is produced in the factory; Based on the physical prototype, the 2-DOF haptic device is analyzed with the method of dynamics which is called Lagrangian equation, and the reverse driving character of the haptic device is evaluated by the Generalized Inertia Ellipsoid (GIE) which can be directly illustrated by a graph; With the help of changing the material of some components, the reverse driving character of the haptic device can be improved, so that an appropriate 2-DOF haptic device can be obtained in the design aftertime.
Stephen D. Laycock,et al.
Recent Developments and Applications of Haptic Devices
Comput. Graph. Forum.
Frank Tendick,et al.
A Critical Study of the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of the PHANToM Haptic Interface and Improvements for Highperformance Control
Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments.
Septimiu E. Salcudean,et al.
Optimal kinematic design of a haptic pen
Evangelos Papadopoulos,et al.
Mass/inertia and joint friction minimization for a low-force five-dof haptic device
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings. ICRA '04. 2004.