Determination of Multi-Lane Loading Factors for Vehicular Load of Bridges using Weigh-In-Motion Data

The purpose of this study is to calculate and propose rational multi-lane loading factors for bridge design considering the probability of simultaneous truck passing in adjacent lanes and real truck weights. The probability of simultaneous truck passing is calculated by analyzing video image taken at various locations in highways and national roads. Weigh-In-Motion system data at two locations are used, which is combined with the probability of multiple presence to calculate the multi-lane loading factors for typical 2 lane and 5 lane bridges. Statistical properties of multi-lane loading factors are also calculated assuming that locations for video images and WIM data represent the overall traffic condition in the country. Results are compared with various design codes in the world and they show that the values are between the current Korea Bridge Design Code and AASHTO LRFD specification or Eurocode and are similar to Canadian Code.