Properties of Aramid‐Fiber Reinforced Concrete and SIFCON

An experimental investigation is conducted on the use of a newly developed aramid fiber for the reinforcement of Portland cement‐based concrete and slurry. The fiber is produced by chopping a bundle made of epoxy‐impregnated, braided aramid filaments. Its appearance and handling are more similar to those of steel fibers than to any other synthetic fiber. Aramid‐fiber performance was compared to that of steel and collated‐fibrillated polypropylene fibers under static flexure and drop‐weight impact. Specimens consisted of conventionally cast concrete beams, layered beams using SIFCON construction technique, and thin SIFCON plates. Given the fiber geometries and types used, static and impact results indicate that this aramid fiber acts similarly to steel fiber and is superior to polypropylene fiber.