Estimation of gas record alteration in very low-accumulation ice cores

Abstract. We measured the methane mixing ratios of enclosed air in five ice core sections drilled on the East Antarctic Plateau. Our work aims to study two effects that alter the recorded gas concentrations in ice cores: layered gas trapping artifacts and firn smoothing. Layered gas trapping artifacts are due to the heterogeneous nature of polar firn, where some strata might close early and trap abnormally old gases that appear as spurious values during measurements. The smoothing is due to the combined effects of diffusive mixing in the firn and the progressive closure of bubbles at the bottom of the firn. Consequently, the gases trapped in a given ice layer span a distribution of ages. This means that the gas concentration in an ice layer is the average value over a certain period of time, which removes the fast variability from the record. Here, we focus on the study of East Antarctic Plateau ice cores, as these low-accumulation ice cores are particularly affected by both layering and smoothing. We use high-resolution methane data to test a simple trapping model reproducing the layered gas trapping artifacts for different accumulation conditions typical of the East Antarctic Plateau. We also use the high-resolution methane measurements to estimate the gas age distributions of the enclosed air in the five newly measured ice core sections. It appears that for accumulations below 2  cm ice equivalent yr−1 the gas records experience nearly the same degree of smoothing. We therefore propose to use a single gas age distribution to represent the firn smoothing observed in the glacial ice cores of the East Antarctic Plateau. Finally, we used the layered gas trapping model and the estimation of glacial firn smoothing to quantify their potential impacts on a hypothetical 1.5-million-year-old ice core from the East Antarctic Plateau. Our results indicate that layering artifacts are no longer individually resolved in the case of very thinned ice near the bedrock. They nonetheless contribute to slight biases of the measured signal (less than 10  ppbv and 0.5 ppmv in the case of methane using our currently established continuous CH4 analysis and carbon dioxide, respectively). However, these biases are small compared to the dampening experienced by the record due to firn smoothing.

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