Universal Targeted Adversarial Attacks Against mmWave-based Human Activity Recognition

Human activity recognition (HAR) systems based on millimeter wave (mmWave) technology have evolved in recent years due to their better privacy protection and enhanced sensor resolution. With the ever-growing HAR system deployment, the vulnerability of such systems has been revealed. However, existing efforts in HAR adversarial attacks only focus on untargeted attacks. In this paper, we propose the first targeted adversarial attacks against mmWave-based HAR through designed universal perturbation. A practical iteration algorithm is developed to craft perturbations that generalize well across different activity samples without additional training overhead. Different from existing work that only develops adversarial attacks for a particular mmWave-based HAR model, we improve the practicability of our attacks by broadening our target to the two most common mmWave-based HAR models (i.e., voxel-based and heatmap-based). In addition, we consider a more challenging black-box scenario by addressing the information deficiency issue with knowledge distillation and solving the insufficient activity sample with a generative adversarial network. We evaluate the proposed attacks on two different mmWave-based HAR models designed for fitness tracking. The evaluation results demonstrate the efficacy, efficiency, and practicality of the proposed targeted attacks with an average success rate of over 90%.

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