Index Ontology Repository for Video Contents
With the abundance of digital contents, the necessity of precise indexing technology is consistently required. To meet these requirements, the intelligent software entity needs to be the subject of information retrieval and the interoperability among intelligent entities including human must be supported. In this paper, we analyze the unifying framework for multi-modality indexing that Snoek and Worring proposed. Our work investigates the method of improving the authenticity of indexing information in contents-based automated indexing techniques. It supports the creation and control of abstracted high-level indexing information through ontological concepts of Semantic Web skills. Moreover, it attempts to present the fundamental model that allows interoperability between human and machine and between machine and machine. The memory-residence model of processing ontology is inappropriate in order to take-in an enormous amount of indexing information. The use of ontology repository and inference engine is required for consistent retrieval and reasoning of logically expressed knowledge. Our work presents an experiment for storing and retrieving the designed knowledge by using the Minerva ontology repository, which demonstrates satisfied techniques and efficient requirements. At last, the efficient indexing possibility with related research is also considered.