Reusable Open Source Software Component’s Life Cycle Management

Software reusability is significant technique for improving quality, well-timed and cost-effective software development. Optimal usage of reusability ensures benefits in terms of human efforts, budget and time for good quality software development. Reusability of source code in terms of components also gives advantages to moderate the risk related with software development and its success. Because of unavoidable return, reusability has developed as the most established practice for the software development. However techniques and methods for reusability controlling are not properly managed. So necessity to formalize and straight procedure of reusability for getting its genuine paybacks in terms of efforts, time and cost savings are not much given attention so this paper presents the good and proper way to handle and manage the reusable components so that properly components can be used and record which are good in terms of compatibility so that other issues can be resolved as well. Structured and formal method is obligatory in reusability practices due to reusability classification, extraction, observation and deployment approaches are not well organized. Keywords—Open Source Software, Reusable Components, Life Cycle Management and Software Engineering Trends