Scleral autoplasty for the repair of corneal perforations: a case series

We present a case series of patients who underwent a novel technique to reform the integrity of the eye following corneal perforation using autologous partial thickness scleral patch graft, or scleral autoplasty. The principle was first described by Larsson in 1948, who used a 2.5 mm scleral patch, from the inferior border from the ipsilateral lateral rectus, to seal a persistent corneal defect.1 Despite this early promise, scleral autoplasty has subsequently been overlooked until a case which we reported in the BJO in 2006, which is the first case in the series presented here.2 Nine autologous lamellar scleral patch grafts were performed in eight eyes of eight patients for corneal perforation in two surgical centres (table 1). A fornix-based conjunctival flap was formed in the same eye, and …