Analysis of Wide Band Unequal Cone Angle Biconical Antenna

Radiation properties of biconical antenna of unequal cone angles have not been widely reported as compared to equal angle biconical antennas. Biconical antennas with cone of angle 90° have been widely reported. In this paper a compact biconical antenna with upper cone of 90° and lower cone of 120° angles are designed and analyzed for wide band applications from 1 GHz to 25 GHz. A finite biconical antenna has limited bandwidth due to its abrupt termination at its edges to free space. Biconical antenna of top cone of angle 90° and bottom cone of angle 120° with edges terminated in thick circular conductor is proposed. Radiation characteristics and return loss of the antenna are investigated. Unequal biconical antennas direct their maximum radiation to narrow space between two cone surfaces and provide wide base for support. The proposed antenna is suitable for modern wireless communications in L, S, C, X, Ku and K band frequencies.