Urban Segregation and the Welfare State : Inequality and Exclusion in Western Cities

1 Segregation, Polarisation and Social Exclusion in Metropolitan Areas Sako Musterd and Tim Ostendorf 2 Social Polarisation, Economic Restructuring and Welfare State Regimes Chris Hamnett 3 Assimilation and Exclusion in US Cities: The treatment of African-Americans and Immigrants Susan S. Fainstein 4 Chicago: Segregation and the New Urban Poverty Jerome L.Kaufman 5 The Wefare State, Economic Restructuring and Immigrant Flows: Impacts on Socio-Spatial Segregation in Greater Toronto Robert A. Murdie 6 Exclusion and Inclusion: Segregation and Deprivation in Belfast Fredrick W. Boal 7 Segregation, Exclusion and Housing in the Divided City Alan Murie 8 The Geography of Deprivation in Brussels and Local Development Strategies Christian Kesteloot 9 Ideologies, Social Exclusion and Spatial Segregation in Paris Paul White 10 Social Inequality, Segregation, and Urban Conflict: The Case of Hamburg Jurgen Friedrichs 11 Segregation and Social Participation in a Welfare State: The Case of Amsterdam Sako Musterd and Wim Ostendorf 12 The Divided City? Socio-Economic Changes in Stockholm Metropolitan Area 1970-94 Lars-Erik Borgegard, Eva Andersson and Susanne Hjort 13 (De)Segregation and (Des)Integration in South African Metropoles Anthony J. Christopher 14 Welfare State Effects on Inequality and Segregation: Concluding Remarks Herman van der Wusten and Sako Musterd