Parametricism The Parametric Paradigm and the Formation of a New Style

In the theory of Autopoiesis of Architecture,Patrik Schumacher categorizes styles to epochal,subsidiary and transitional styles.He looks back through history and aligns the epochal styles of architect with socio-economic epoch,mainly based on Niklas Luhmann's theory.Four major epochal styles are distinguished respectively as Renaissance, Baroque,Neoclassicism/Historicism and Modernism. Schumacher argues here that Parametrism will be the fifth epochal styles of 21st century in architectural history.Parametrism is a solution that organises and articulates the increased complexity of post- Fordist network society.It contains a series of new concepts and methods,which are so different from the repertoire of traditional or modern architecture that one is justified to speak of the emergence of a new paradigm within architecture.Parametrism has been explored through the global network of researchers for over 30 years.It is maturing through a whole series of successful,high profile research and built projects on all scales and across many programmes.The concept of parametrism,as a unified style of the 21st century,started initially as a unified avant-garde design research programme,and eventually graduated into a unified system of principles,ambitions and values that constitute global best practice.