Correspondence Analysis and Data Coding with Java and R

INTRODUCTION Data Analysis Notes on the History of Data Analysis Correspondence Analysis or Principal Components Analysis R Software for Correspondence Analysis and Clustering THEORY OF CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS Vectors and Projections Factors Transform Algebraic Perspective Clustering Questions Further R Software for Correspondence Analysis Summary INPUT DATA CODING Introduction From Doubling to Fuzzy Coding and Beyond Assessment of Coding Methods The Personal Equation and Double Rescaling Case Study: DNA Exon and Intron Junction Discrimination Conclusions on Coding Java Software EXAMPLES AND CASE STUDIES Introduction to Analysis of Size and Shape Comparison of Prehistoric and Modern Groups of Canids Craniometric Data from Ancient Egyptian Tombs Time-Varying Data Analysis: Examples from Economics Financial Modeling and Forecasting CONTENT ANALYSIS OF TEXT Introduction Correspondence Analysis Tool Words: Between Analysis of Form and Analysis of Content Towards Content Analysis Textual and Documentary Typology Conclusion: Methodology in Free Text Analysis Software for Text Processing Introduction to the Text Analysis Case Studies Eight Hypotheses of Parmenides Regarding the One Comparative Study of Reality, Fable and Dream Single Document Analysis Conclusion on Text Analysis Case Studies Concluding Remarks References Index