A note on Berge-Fulkerson coloring

The Berge-Fulkerson Conjecture states that every cubic bridgeless graph has six perfect matchings such that every edge of the graph is contained in exactly two of these perfect matchings. In this paper, a useful technical lemma is proved that a cubic graphGadmits a Berge-Fulkerson coloring if and only if the graphGcontains a pair of edge-disjoint matchingsM"1andM"2 such that (i) M"[email protected]?M"2induces a 2-regular subgraph ofG and (ii) the suppressed [email protected]?M"[email protected]?, the graph obtained [email protected]?M"iby suppressing all degree-2-vertices, is 3-edge-colorable for eachi=1,2. This lemma is further applied in the verification of Berge-Fulkerson Conjecture for some families of non-3-edge-colorable cubic graphs (such as, Goldberg snarks, flower snarks).