Das Münchner Modell des Medizinstudiums (München-Harvard Educational Alliance)
The Munich Model pursues the aim to establish a new culture of teaching and learning at the Medical Faculty of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich. This Model joins proven forms of teaching with problem based experiences in teaching of the Harvard Medical School (HMS) to a concept of implementation which does justice to the organisational structure of a traditionally developed university. This model fulfills the complex requirements of the German Regulation for the Licensing of Physicians in three stages: 1. Integration of preclinical and clinical subjects: It is supposed to remain within the scope of systematic training related to the subject but an improved effect of learning should be achieved by the definite integration of clinical subjects with clinical relations. 2. Problem-based courses in the clinical part of studies: The main part of the model is the establishment of problem-based courses, obligatory for all students, in four of six semesters in the clinical part of their studies 3. Independent problem-based learning It is intended to give the students the opportunity to work independently in interaction at PCs in problem-based way in all clinical subjects or spheres of subjects. This can also be used to align the exams better with practical requirements. Additional program for the Practical Year: Every year ten students of the LMU have an opportunity to complete their Practical Year at HMS. When they return, they are excellently trained to become tutors. The innovative and basic idea of the Munich Model is to bring together new didactic elements which are included in the New Pathway of the HMS and in the first problem based elements of learning at the LMU, with proven and traditional forms of teaching. It is attempted to adapt the system of teaching continually to the requirements of modern medical training on an international level by analyzing the basis of problems and the immediate reaction to obvious shortcomings.