Principles of Computer Graphics

Salient Features:--- Computer Graphics Basics: origin of graphics, working of interactive graphics, Random scan methods, Raster scan methods, Pixels and frame buffer, color display techniques, Graphics Primitives, Display file structure. Output primitives: Points & lines, Line drawing DDA algorithm, Bresenhams line drawing algorithm, circle generation algorithm, Character generation, text display, filling polygon. Display description: Line and polygon clipping, viewing algorithms- Windows and viewpoints, windowing, zooming and planning, Homogeneous co-ordinate, Two dimensional and three dimensional transformation, Concatenation. Interactive Graphics: CRT, graphical input devices, Graphical input techniques, event handling, input functions Segmented display file: Segments, functions for segmenting the display file, posting and unposting a segment, segment naming schemes, appending to segment. Three dimensional graphics: Geometric models, Introduction to realism, perspective depth, Introduction to shading and illumination: Phong shading, Gouraud shading, Projection, Types of projection. Hidden Surface elimination & Curves and surfaces.