Adaptive Load Distribution Strategies for Divisible Load Processing on Resource Unaware Multilevel Tree Networks

In this paper, we propose load distribution strategies for divisible loads for networked computing environments where computation and communication resource characteristics are unknown and/or vary with time. The principle on which our strategies are formulated is based on using probing loads to estimate the network characteristics and using them to determine the best possible load distribution. This work extends the adaptive strategies proposed in an earlier work to multilevel general networks. These networks, while being more challenging, also offer several opportunities that can be exploited to make the probing phase more efficient. We propose two strategies, one static, which caters to the presence of unknown parameters, and the other dynamic, which caters to both unknown as well as time-varying network parameters. The proposed strategies are robust, resilient, and easily adaptable to network fluctuations. The algorithms are also shown to have a tracking ability, a property that is important in dynamic environments. Examples are presented to illustrate the salient features of these strategies.