Autoregressive modeling of lung sounds using higher-order statistics: estimation of source and transmission

The use of higher-order statistics in an autoregressive modeling of lung sounds is presented resulting in a characterization of their source and transmission. The lung sound source in the airway is estimated using the prediction error of an all-pole filter based on higher-order statistics (AR-HOS), while the acoustic transmission through the lung parenchyma and chest wall is modeled by the transfer function of the same AR-HOS filter. The parametric bispectrum, using the estimated a/sub i/ coefficients of the AR-HOS model, is also calculated to elucidate the frequency characteristics of the modeled system. The implementation of this approach on pre-classified lung sound segments in known disease conditions, selected from teaching tapes, was examined. Experiments have shown that a reliable and consistent with current knowledge estimation of lung sound characteristics can be achieved using this method, even in the presence of additive Gaussian noise.