Simulation of starch gelatinisation during baking in a travelling-tray oven by integrating a three-dimensional CFD model with a kinetic model

To simulate the progress of starch gelatinisation during a continuous industrial baking process, a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model with moving grids was integrated with a kinetic model. Crumb temperature profiles simulated by the CFD model were utilized to estimate the degree of starch gelatinisation at different positions within a loaf baked in a travelling-tray oven. The gelatinisation profiles were predicted to be asymmetrical both horizontally and vertically across the loaf. In addition, variations in gelatinisation rate were found among the four tins within a single tray. Due to the fact that starch gelatinisation was claimed to be an indicator of baking progression, it was utilised to check the completeness of baking under various oven operating conditions. The results in this paper also assured the completion of baking under a particularly modified operating condition that could provide the nearly optimum tin temperature profile for baking white sandwich bread with a baking time of 25 min.