Product service system: Design of E-commerce solutions to parking space optimization using bluetooth technology

How long you are looking for a parking lot? Have you ever forgotten where you parked your car? In this paper is under way to develop an innovative parking management tool relying on E-commerce Solutions to Parking Space Optimization (ESPSO) using Bluetooth technology. ESPSO with Bluetooth technology believed would solve these problems. In this paper ESPSO services are packed in the concept of Product-Service System (PSS). PSS are system solutions that directly fulfil client demands with a combined set of products and services. The PSS concept applied in this ESPSO has the potential to improve ESPSO competitiveness and provide for new continuous quality improvement in parking system opportunities. Improvement is one of the purposes of quality in ESPSO applied which packed in the concept of PSS; the other main purposes are accountability, control and compliance. This PSS concept if compared with conventional products sales offers, substantial differences can be found. In the case of the typical product sales model, producing and selling products is the primary method to meet client demands, regardless of the type of actual demands. The invention of the ESPO is characterized in that since said time recording machine and mobile telephones are equipped with short-distance communication (Bluetooth) and also the PSS concept applied in this system. In reaching this goal, the innovative solutions seek to benefit all social segments, to optimize existing parking resources, and to contribute to achieving a more sustainable urban transport, reducing congestion and pollution. For the PSS concept applied in this ESPSO has the potential to minimize environmental impacts of both production and consumption is emerging.