Boreout!: Overcoming Workplace Demotivation
This book explores demotivation in the workplace, which is caused by a lack of challenge at work because of repetitive and monotonous tasks, a lack of interest in the job, and downright boredom. Employees have given up and become resigned to their situation, while they suffer what is effectively the opposite of office burnout. Boreout has become widespread among employees around the world, although the problem is only recently being recognized by employers. The dangerous effects of boreout should not be underestimated: dissatisfaction, weariness and the loss of zest for life - not to mention the economic problems, caused by bored employees spending hours of company time surfing the net. In this fascinating new book, the authors bring to light this prevalent phenomenon and show employees and employers how to recognise boreout and avoid its consequences. Whether you are an employee suffering from this draining condition, or an employer looking to prevent any of your staff from falling into the boreout trap, this title is essential reading.