A Network Activity Reconfiguration Underlies the Transition from Goal to Action.

Neurons in prefrontal cortex (PF) represent mnemonic information about current goals until the action can be selected and executed. However, the neuronal dynamics underlying the transition from goal into specific actions are poorly understood. Here, we show that the goal-coding PF network is dynamically reconfigured from mnemonic to action selection states and that such reconfiguration is mediated by cell assemblies with heterogeneous excitability. We recorded neuronal activity from PF while monkeys selected their actions on the basis of memorized goals. Many PF neurons encoded the goal, but only a minority of them did so across both memory retention and action selection stages. Interestingly, about half of this minority of neurons switched their goal preference across the goal-action transition. Our computational model led us to propose a PF network composed of heterogeneous cell assemblies with single-state and bistable local dynamics able to produce both dynamical stability and input susceptibility simultaneously.

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