ISD를 적용한 전문대학의 모듈식 교재개발 모형 연구
The purpose of this study was to develop the model of modular textbooks applied ISD in community college. This study was carried out by the following methods. At first, the changing movement of community college, ISD theory, the development of instructional materials and the modular textbooks were investigated through the theoretical review. Secondly, the survey was accomplished to reflect the needs of students and professors on the textbooks. At last, based on the results of theoretical investigation, the conceptual model of modular textbooks applied ISD in community college was developed. This model with the survey results was actually applied to the textbook of civil engineering in andong science college. In the middle of this study, a panel of expert committee was held several times. The major findings of this study could be summarized as follows: 1) Improvement of textbooks was required to promote the quality of teaching and learning in community college and the possibility of applying ISD was verified. 2) The model of modular textbooks applied ISD was developed. The model was consisted of five steps which was analysis, design of textbook, development of textbook, practical application of the textbook and evaluation. 3) This model was the results of analysis of educational circumstances and needs was actually applied to the textbook of civil engineering in andong science college. The advantages of developed textbook from the model were 1) it was easy for the students who were deficient of literate ability, 2) the teaching and learning methods were reflected on it, 3) the statements of the contents was focused on the students activities. 4) The guide for development and application of the textbooks based on the model was presented.