he purpose of an actively managed portfolio is to provide returns to investors above and beyond what they could obtain fiom a T passive strategy with the same level of risk. This implies that in order to evaluate the effectiveness of an active strategy, an investor needs a benchmark that corresponds to the level of risk that is taken. Most indexes available today are used to establish benchmarks for asset classes or investment styles, not a level of risk for an entire portfolio. Providing benchmarks for levels of risk requires a new class of indexes, risk-based indexes. The construction, properties, and performance of a particular set of risk-based indexes, the Quantidex Global indexes, are the subject of this article.' To create a set of risk-based indexes, a measure of risk must be selected. Quantidex uses historical semivariance below the hstorical mean as the risk measure. An alternative choice would be standard deviation.
F. Sortino,et al.
On the Use and Misuse of Downside Risk
P. Fishburn.
Mean-Risk Analysis with Risk Associated with Below-Target Returns
E. Fama,et al.
Size and Book-to-Market Factors in Earnings and Returns
F. Sortino,et al.
Performance Measurement in a Downside Risk Framework
Frank J. Fabozzi,et al.
The handbook of equity style management
D. A. Hsu,et al.
The Behavior of Stock Returns: Is It Stationary or Evolutionary?
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
N. H. Hakansson.,et al.
Gains from International Diversification: 1968–85 Returns on Portfolios of Stocks and Bonds
Martina McGuinness,et al.
Against The Gods