BioSmalltalk: a pure object system and library for bioinformatics

SUMMARY We have developed BioSmalltalk, a new environment system for pure object-oriented bioinformatics programming. Adaptive end-user programming systems tend to become more important for discovering biological knowledge, as is demonstrated by the emergence of open-source programming toolkits for bioinformatics in the past years. Our software is intended to bridge the gap between bioscientists and rapid software prototyping while preserving the possibility of scaling to whole-system biology applications. BioSmalltalk performs better in terms of execution time and memory usage than Biopython and BioPerl for some classical situations. AVAILABILITY BioSmalltalk is cross-platform and freely available (MIT license) through the Google Project Hosting at CONTACT SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

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