Problems of Forecasting the Future of Advanced Engines and Engine Characteristics of the Hydrogen Injection With LH2 Tank and Pump

When the history of the vehicle engine during the last half century is reviewed, a number of research and development efforts have resulted in various useful improvements. From the author`s personal point of view, the electronic-controlled fuel injection device is the most distinguished accomplishment for the vehicle engine. In the first part of this article, scientific explanation will be made to explain why some of the initially promising engines were not able to replace conventional reciprocating engine. Various discussions and forecasts have been published with respect to future vehicle engines with alternative fuels, such as an electric-powered engine and a hydrogen engine. It seems extremely important that each of the technologies be appropriately evaluated from the scientific viewpoint. It should be emphasized that the primary conditions required for the automobile engine are light weight and high power output. It will be discussed in the second part of the article that the only alternative fuel engine that satisfies these conditions with the present technology level is a hydrogen injection engine with a LH{sub 2} tank and a LH{sub 2} pump. The summary of the author`s research work on this type of hydrogen engine will also be presented.