Critical Social Theory: An Introduction and Critique
This paper gives a systematic introduction to the major themes of Jurgen Habermas' formulation of critical social theory. A discussion of his views on knowledge, cognitive interests, and scientific method is followed by an account of his social theory and his attempt to combine Marxism with mainstream sociology. In criticism it is argued that Habermas has not yet solved all the problems of a 'realist' approach to sociology and that his synthesis is incomplete. It is argued that sociology can progress through a critical dialogue with Habermas' work. The aim of this paperl is to give an introduction to the thought of Jurgen Habermas in such a way that those who are interested in understanding his ideas yet do not have the stamina to read all his available work will possess a 'sketch map' of his version of critical sociology. Hopefully, this will encourage readers to consult the original works. Only on the basis of informed discussion can scientific advance be made. The fate of complex writers is to be rejected rather than refuted that is, they are disregarded because of their complexity and obscurity rather than because of their lack of scientific rigour, validity, etc. The aim of this paper, then, is to initiate fruitful discussion, to give a systematic account of Habermas' ideas, and to suggest some important lines of