화학물질관리법상의 유해화학물질 안전관리 개선방안 연구 : 안전성평가 사례 중심

Chemicals Control Act have been strengthened to control more safely hazardous chemicals from 2015. In particular, the standards for the installation and management of handling facilities was enhanced with specific regulations depending on type of the facilities and the hazardous chemicals . However, some standards for handling facilities caused difficulties in implementing the strengthened standards due to various field conditions, such as lack of physical space. The Ministry of Environment is implementing Safety Assessment System (SAS) to solve these problems since 2018. However, many plants have difficulties in preparing alternative methods to pass the safety evaluation. The purpose of this study was to review and analyze the SAS and to suggest alternative measures in terms of management and technical aspects through the case study of hydrochloric acid storage tanks. The following safety solutions were suggested for handling facilities that had insufficient the space and capacity for the retaining wall due to physical space. Firstly, insufficient space was resolved by introducing equipment relocation or demolition, and retaining wall expansion. Secondly, the wall of the surrounding buildings was used as an alternative to the retaining wall with additional chemical resistant treatment. Finally, sensor installation and facility inspection were suggested as ways to improve chemical safety. Therefore, improvement of chemical accident prevention system is required not only in terms of facilities supplementation but also management aspect. The results of this study are expected to be available for similar facilities and will be based on the preparation of additional safety assessment as alternatives measures in the future.