Landau Damping in the SLAC Linac

In the SLC Landau damping can greatly stabilize the beam against changes in injection conditions into the linac. For example, by choosing phi/sub a/ = -15/sup 0/, n/sub a/ = 51, the jitter tolerances for 25% emittance growth can be relaxed by greater than a factor of 10, while sacrificing 1.6 GeV in final energy. Increasing the focusing, especially near the beginning of the linac, will lessen the energy penalty for a given amount of stability. For example, with the planned addition of more quads in sectors 2-4 the stability of the above example can be achieved at the cost of only 1.0 GeV in final energy. The simulations including machine errors indicate that the static residual emittance growth can be kept consistently below 30% with Landau damping, but that this would be difficult to achieve without Landau damping. It can be supposed that Landau damping will also stabilize the beam to magnet jitter, though a more thorough study of machine error effects still needs to be done. 9 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab.