Helicopter Model Studies for On-Board Electrostatic Sensors
Abstract : Hovering helicopters accumulate excessive charge as a result of triboelectrification, surrouanding space charge, and external electric fields that result in high electrostatic potentials on the aircraft. Electrostatic energy stored on the helicopter can cause electrical discharges to occur from the cargo hook when contact is made with the ground or ground personnel. Laboratory model studies were conducted under electrostatic conditions simulating hovering aircraft to show that on-board instrumentation capable of measuring electric field intensity and charge density can provide the basis for indirectly inferring the correct potential relative to ground of a spherical model test body. Potential of the model was inferred for three cases involving electrostatic instrumentation located (1) on the ground below the model, (2) installed at the south pole of the model, and (3) mounted at the end of the simulated cargo hook. Analysis of laboratory test data resulted in empirical derivations of unique electric field curves for each of the three cases studied. The first two cases were also studied analytically by solving Poisson's equation for a sphere between two parallel plates, and the mathematical expressions substantiated the laboratory results. Methodology for developing a full-scale helicopter electrostatic discharger system to eliminate hazardous potentials on helicopter aircraft is described. (Author)