Advances in cryptology, EUROCRYPT '94 : Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques, Perugia, Italy, May 9-12, 1994 : proceedings

Visual cryptography.- The size of a share must be large.- A linear construction of perfect secret sharing schemes.- On the dealer's randomness required in secret sharing schemes.- Black box cryptanalysis of hash networks based on multipermutations.- A practical attack against knapsack based hash functions.- The blinding of weak signatures.- Can D.S.A. be improved? - Complexity trade-offs with the digital signature standard -.- Designated confirmer signatures.- Optimal asymmetric encryption.- A multiple-iterated trapdoor for dense compact knapsacks.- On the security of some cryptosystems based on error-correcting codes.- Parallel divertibility of proofs of knowledge.- Methodology for digital money based on general cryptographic tools.- New group signature schemes.- Message recovery for signature schemes based on the discrete logarithm problem.- Threshold-multisignature schemes where suspected forgery implies traceability of adversarial shareholders.- The self-shrinking generator.- Feedback registers based on ramified extensions of the 2-adic numbers.- A general lower bound for the linear complexity of the product of shift-register sequences.- Embedding and probabilistic correlation attacks on clock-controlled shift registers.- Near optimal unconditionally secure authentication.- Authentication codes in plaintext and chosen-content attacks.- Linking information reconciliation and privacy amplification.- A secure and efficient conference key distribution system.- Space requirements for broadcast encryption.- How to break and repair Leighton and Micali's key agreement protocol.- Single-term divisible electronic coins.- Formal requirements for key distribution protocols.- Breaking an efficient anonymous channel.- On Matsui's linear cryptanalysis.- Links between differential and linear cryptanalysis.- On correlation between the order of S-boxes and the strength of DES.- Relationships among nonlinearity criteria.- Efficient exponentiation using precomputation and vector addition chains.- MIMD-Factorisation on hypercubes.- New attacks on all double block length hash functions of hash rate 1, including the Parallel-DM.- New potentially 'weak' keys for DES amd LOK.- Blackmailing using undeniable signatures.- Blind signatures based on the discrete logarithm problem.- Comments on Soviet encryption algorithm.- Linear approximation of block ciphers.- Memory efficient variants of public-key schemes for smart card applications.- A systematic attack on clock controlled cascades.- On A2-codes including arbiter's attacks.- An improvement of Davies' attack on DES.- Q-deformed quantum cryptography.