Research was conducted to investigate: (1) whether institutions with any formal campus-wide planning process are significantly more effective at fund raising than their counterparts which lack such a process; (2) whether institutions that engage in overall strategic planning are significantly more effective at raising funds than their peers which engage in other planning processes; and (3) whether institutions having both an overall strategic plan and a strategic plan for development/fund raising prove the most effective at raising funds. Data were analyzed from 107 of 127 campuses responding to a planning survey. Predicted fund raising ability was examined within those institutions having no formal planning process as well as those employing strategic planning, incrementalism, or some other form of planning methodology. Among the findings was that, while over 13% of the campuses with no formal planning process were still effective in raising funds, the percentage of institutions gaining effective support from foundations was lower among colleges with no formal planning process compared to those using strategic planning. Also, the effectiveness of raising funds from corporations proved lower from institutions with no planning process versus those employing incrementalism. The study concluded that there is a relationship between strategIc planning and the effective cultivation of foundation support. Contains 47 references. (GLR) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** OF STRATEGY AND SUPPORT: FORMAL PLANNING AND EFFECTIVE FUND RAISING IN HIGHER EDUCATION Marsha V. Krotseng University of Hartford Jann E. Freed Central College Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education Boston, Massachusetts 0 October 31 November 3, 1991 0 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS ()Rice ot Educations Rsearch Improvement MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDU Marsha Krotseng Copyright 1991 ' e and CATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION '.ENIMR iERO Kthis documeAt has been reprOduced as Keived 1mm the perwn or orpswabcn originaImg d !U 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction Ws lily *7 INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." PointS Of view or opinions slated in this docu TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES 2 merit do not necessarily represent Official 04 M position Or rtolicy
Bruce A. Loessin,et al.
Fund-Raising Outcomes and Institutional Characteristics in Ten Types of Higher Education Institutions
N. Baldwin.
Concluding Observations
A Transparent Illusion.
Bruce A. Loessin,et al.
Effective Fund Raising in Higher Education: Ten Success Stories
E. Chaffee.
Strategies for the 1990s
G. Lockwood.
Opportunity from Strength: Strategic Planning Clarified with Case Examples
R. Shirley.
Strategic planning: An overview
John Michael Slinker.
The Role of the College or University President in Institutional Advancement.
A. Guskin,et al.
Leadership Styles and Institutional Renewal.
Martine F. Hammond.
Survival of Small Private Colleges: Three Case Studies.
E. Chaffee.
Successful Strategic Management in Small Private Colleges.
R. Shirley.
Identifying the levels of strategy for a college or university
J. Buchanan.
Selling the Small College.
Philip Kotler,et al.
Strategic Planning for Higher Education
K. Reitz.
Questioning the Conventional Wisdom of Parole Release Authority
Liz McMillen.
Giving to Higher Education Up 10% in 1989-90, but Some Say Recession Is Now Affecting Gifts.
M. Townsley.
Brinkmanship, Planning, Smoke, and Mirrors.
Bruce A. Loessin,et al.
The Role of Planning in Successful Fund Raising in Ten Higher Education Institutions.
Barbara E. Brittingham,et al.
The Campus Green: Fund Raising in Higher Education. ERIC Digest.
F. Schmidtlein,et al.
College and University Planning: Perspectives from a Nation-Wide Study.
Cynthia C. Ryans,et al.
Strategic Planning, Marketing & Public Relations, and Fund-Raising in Higher Education: Perspectives, Readings, and Annotated Bibliography.
Wesley K. Willmer.
Advancing the small college
R. Whittier.
Presidential Commitment to Educational Fund Raising.
M. Peterson,et al.
Improving academic management