Slumping Synthetic Fibers May Get Help from Import Limits: To go into effect in October, regulations would reduce imports of apparel, which are hurting U.S. production of polyester, nylon, acrylic fibers
Following a strong recovery, the synthetic fibers industry is not having a good year. Production of both polyester and acrylic fibers is forecast to decline in 1984. The major reason for this slump: increasing imports of products of these fibers, mainly in the form of apparel. Nylon fiber production will be up slightly, primarily because carpet is its major market and because imports of carpet that compete with U.S.-produced nylon carpet are small. Some help is in sight, however. On Oct. 31, regulations are scheduled to go into effect that would limit imports of apparel to the U.S. These regulations, originally slated to take effect this week but delayed by Treasury Secretary Donald T. Regan late last month, are designed to reduce partly the fast rise in shipments of apparel to the U.S. Imported apparel has been cutting into sales of U.S.-produced apparel. What the regulations say, in effect, is that countries ...