Numerical approximation of optimal control of unsteady flows using SQP and time decomposition
In this paper, we present numerical approximations of optimal control of unsteady flow problems using sequential quadratic programming method (SQP) and time domain decomposition. The SQP method is considered superior due to its fast convergence and its ability to take advantage of existing numerical techniques for fluid flow problems. It iteratively solves a sequence of linear quadratic optimal control problems converging to the solution of the non-linear optimal control problem. The solution to the linear quadratic problem is characterized by the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) optimality system which in the present context is a formidable system to solve. As a remedy various time domain decompositions, inexact SQP implementations and block iterative methods to solve the KKT systems are examined. Numerical results are presented showing the efficiency and feasibility of the algorithms. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.