Multiple-Doppler Radar Network Design

Abstract Observing programs utilizing Doppler radar must have them deployed in optimum locations to best satisfy experimental objectives and maximize economies. One wishes to determine the coordinate triples (xi, yi, zi), where i equals the number of radars, which maximize the value of the data to be collected. The optimum location is governed by a value or objective function. Here, possible networks of two to nine radars are given for two different error specifications. The objective functions with both error distributions maximize the quantity (AREAL COVERAGE/ERROR). The procedure is to search the finite number of local maxima for the global maximum in the value of the objective function. This is done by employing a searching algorithm at each of a number of starting vectors which are close enough to the local maxima to converge to the desired local maxima. In all cases, the network obtained by considering all radars simultaneously is superior to that obtained by combining optimum smaller sub-networks. ...