Compass 2005 data analysis and reporting
The Compass Annual Report is issued each year to communicate the condition of Wisconsin’s state highway network and to demonstrate accountability for maintenance expenditures. The primary audience for this report includes Maintenance Supervisors and Operations Managers at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and partner organizations including the 72 counties. Compass reports are used to understand trends and conditions, prioritize resources, and set future target condition levels for the state highway system. The condition data are also used to estimate the costs to reduce maintenance backlogs to varying levels of service. This report includes data on traveled ways (paved traffic lanes), shoulders, drainage, roadsides, selected traffic devices, specific aspects of winter maintenance activities, and bridges. The report does not include measures for preventive maintenance, operational services (like traveler information and incident management), or electrified traffic assets (like signals and lighting). It is important to consider what is not in the report when using this information to discuss comprehensive investment choices and needs.