Theories of truth : a critical introduction

Projects of theories of truth justification and truth bearers nonrealist theories - Charles S. Peirce's pragmaticism, William James's instrumentalism, Brand Blanshard's coherence theory the justification project - F.H. Bradley's coherence theory of justification Davidson and Dummett the liar paradox - Russell's theory of types, Saul Kripke's theory of truth-value gaps, A.N. Prior's solution the speech-act project and the deflationary thesis - Strawson, Price, and the illocutionary-act project, the assertion project the correspondence theory - Bertrand Russell's theory of correspondence as congruence, J.L. Austin's theory of correspondence as correlation Alfred Tarski's semantic theory objections to Tarski's theory - Hartry Field and the physicalist programme, neurath, carnap, and the origins of modern physicalism, F.P. Ramsey's redundancy theory, C.J.F. Williams's redundancy theory, Paul Horwich's minimalist answer to the metaphysical project.