Folding protein α‐carbon chains into compact forms by monte carlo methods

A method is presented for generating folded chains of specific aminoacid sequences on a simple cubic lattice. Monte Carlo simulations are used to transform extended geometries of simplified α‐carbon chainsfor eight small monomeric globular proteins into folded states. Permitted chain transitions are limited to a few types of moves, all restricted to occur on the lattice. Crude residue–residue potentials derived from statistical structure data are used to describe the energies for each conformer. The low resolution structures obtained by this procedure contain many of the correct gross features of the native folded architectures with respect to average residue energy per nonbonded contact, segment density, and location of surface loops and disulfide pairs. Rms deviations between these and the native X‐ray structures and percentage of native long‐range contacts found in these final folded structures are 7.6 ± 0.7 Å and 48 ± 3%, respectively. This procedure can be useful for predicting approximate tertiary interactions from amino acid sequence. © 1992 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

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