High Resolution On-chip Spectroscopy Based on Miniaturized Microdonut Resonators References and Links

We experimentally demonstrate a high resolution integrated spectrometer on silicon on insulator (SOI) substrate using a large-scale array of microdonut resonators. Through top-view imaging and processing, the measured spectral response of the spectrometer shows a linewidth of ~0.6 nm with an operating bandwidth of ~50 nm. This high resolution and bandwidth is achieved in a compact size using miniaturized microdonut resonators (radius ~2μm) with a high quality factor, single-mode operation, and a large free spectral range. The microspectrometer is realized using silicon process compatible fabrication and has a great potential as a high-resolution, large dynamic range, lightweight , compact, high-speed, and versatile microspectrometer. Detection of avian influenza virus using an interferometric biosensor, " Anal. Very compact arrayed-waveguide-grating demultiplexer using Si photonic wire waveguides, " Jpn. Planar waveguide echelle gratings in silica-on-silicon, " IEEE Photon. Design and fabrication of compact etched diffraction grating demultiplexers based on α-Si nanowire technology, " Electron. Echelle grating WDM demultiplexers in SOI technology, based on a design with two stigmatic points, " Proc. Strong angular dispersion using higher bands of planar silicon photonic crystals, " Opt. Integrated photonic crystal spectrometers for sensing applications, " Opt. Concept of a high-resolution miniature spectrometer using an integrated filter array, " Opt. Chip-scale spectrometry based on tapered hollow Bragg waveguides, " Opt. Large-scale array of small high-Q microdisk resonators for on-chip spectral analysis, " in Toward ultimate miniaturization of high Q silicon traveling-wave microresonators, " Opt. Design and demonstration of compact, wide bandwidth coupled-resonator filters on a silicon-on-insulator platform, " Opt. Trimming of silicon ring resonator by electron beam induced compaction and strain, " Opt. " Accurate resonant frequency spacing of microring filters without postfabrication trimming, " J. Vac. Sci. Trimming of microring resonators by photooxidation of a plasma-polymerized organosilane cladding material, " Opt. " Deterministic tuning of slow-light in photonic-crystal waveguides through the C and L bands by atomic layer deposition, " Appl. On the estimation of target spectrum for filter-array based spectrometers, " Opt.