Micro and nanotechnologies: a challenge on the way forward to new markets

Abstract The main objective of space activities in the middle to long term it is to perform economies of scale on spacecrafts’ or space instruments’ life cycle costs using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). This means integration of functions, materials, processes and devices of millimeter, submillimeter to micron size, leading to microinstruments and ultralight spacecrafts. MEMS technologies offer many advantages: (a) drastic reduction of requirements such as mass, volume and power, impacting directly on spacecrafts, tests facilities and launch costs; (b) replacement of several discrete components or devices by microsystems; (c) production in batch process on mass production lines (low cost per unit); (d) high system reliability through built-in design or integration of several microsystems; (e) access to microinstruments with a real improvement of system-performance-to-cost ratio. Obviously, there are some limitations to microsystems’ space applications, but some of them have already been solved, such as radiation hardening, single event upset or latch-up tolerances. Miniaturization would result in smaller and lighter spacecrafts, which could be close to a ‘mother’ platform, or tiny platforms in constellations, networks or swarms for earth or planetary missions. MEMS and specific system design studies will lead to more innovative research in space missions and present, in the event, many spin-off and business opportunities not restricted to ‘space only’ applications.