This paper descriptionbes a numerical procedure for the computation of the displacements and stresses induced by the mining of a tabular ore deposit in faulted ground. The numerical procedure is based on the displacement discontinuity method, which can be regarded as an application of Salamon's 'face element principle' to cases in which the reef plane is faulted into several sections, or even folded in an arbitrary way. An element of a fault is modelled in the same manner as an element of the reef, except that a fault element is allowed to undergo permanent inelastic deformation (i.e., slip) if the stresses transmitted through the fault-filling material satisfy a Mohr-Coulomb yield condition. An iterative technique for the incorporation of a Mohr-Coulomb yield condition in the general displacement discontinuity method is explained. This technique is illustrated by means of a simple example involving the mining of a flat-lying reef intersected by a fault. The displacements and stresses at selected locations along the fault are examined as the reef is mined, element by element. A consideration of the energy changes reveals that the occurrence of slip along a fault leads to a sudden increase in the energy release rate due to mining as the excavation intersects the fault. The energy release rate then falls off abruptly to a value less than that which would occur in the absence of any slip, and gradually builds up to re-establish the conditions that would exist in unfaulted ground.