Control of an Electromechanical Brake for Automotive Brake-By-Wire Systems with an Adapted Motion Control Architecture

A disk brake clamp force controller for electromechanical brakes (EMB) in automotive brake-by-wire systems may be obtained from a standard motion control architecture with cascaded position, speed and current control loops by replacing the outer position control loop with a force control loop. When implemented with proportional, integral and differential (PID) controllers this architecture generally performs well for standard motion control problems, but the EMB control problem is differentiated by a large operating range in which non-linear load disturbances such as friction become significant at high clamp forces of up to 30kN. This paper investigates the feasibility of a cascaded PI control architecture for an EMB with the intention of establishing a baseline standard against which the performance of future control schemes may be compared. Simulation results are presented based on an accepted EMB model.