A high-average-power infrared free-electron laser [1] (IRFEL) capable of continuous kW-level operation at 3-6 {micro}m, is being commissioned at Jefferson Lab in Newport News Virginia, USA. The IRFEL is located on the site of the CEBAF machine and is capable of being controlled from either the CEBAF Main Control Center (MCC) or from the local Laser Control Center (LCC). The plan is to control all functions of the electron-beam transport from the MCC except the final steering through the wiggler. All high-power-optics control and photon-beam delivery will be done from the LCC. The control system is based on EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) which is used at CEBAF. The IRFEL control system is roughly 1/10 the size of the CEBAF system. This paper will focus on new systems and describe the hardware implementation. Documentation for the systems can found at http://www.jlab.org/FEL A paper devoted to the FEL software is being presented at this conference by A. Hofler et. al.