Radio emission from supernovae and gamma-ray bursters

▪ Abstract Study of radio supernovae over the past 20 years includes two dozen detected objects and more than 100 upper limits. From this work it is possible to identify classes of radio properties, demonstrate conformance to and deviations from existing models, estimate the density and structure of the circumstellar material and, by inference, the evolution of the presupernova stellar wind, and reveal the last stages of stellar evolution before explosion. It is also possible to detect ionized hydrogen along the line of sight, to demonstrate binary properties of the stellar system, and to show clumpiness of the circumstellar material. More speculatively, it may be possible to provide distance estimates to radio supernovae. Over the past four years the afterglow of gamma-ray bursters has occasionally been detected in the radio, as well in other wavelengths bands. In particular, the interesting and unusual gamma-ray burst GRB980425, thought to be related to SN1998bw, is a possible link between supernovae an...

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