Properties of Large‐Scale Structure Workpieces in High‐Pressure Sheet Metal Forming of Tailor Rolled Blanks

In order to manufacture components optimised in regard to lightweight construction, the use of innovative forming processes like high‐pressure sheet metal forming (HBU) in combination with the use of tailor rolled blanks (TRB) as innovative semi‐finished material is a promising solution. Fundamental investigations on the HBU of TRB have been carried out in a joint research project at the Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction (IUL), University of Dortmund, and the Institute of Metal Forming (IBF), RWTH Aachen. The experiments performed with cylindrical parts have provided basic knowledge on the sheet material flow and resulting part properties. To achieve sufficient process reliability, a non‐adjustable as well as an adjustable seal system have been tested and proved to be suitable solutions, depending on thickness ratio and thickness gradient within the TRB. In order to demonstrate the lightweight potential of this process chain, a forming tool for an automotive body structure has been designed and tested. The experiments have shown that this large‐scale structure can well be manufactured in the HBU process from a TRB.