Fluid Mechanics
Ludwig Krinner (Dated: November 5th 2012) Abstract This is a script made with the help of Landau Lifshitz, Book VI [1] on fluid mechanics, that gives a short introduction to basic fluid mechanics. This short script includes, various equations of continuity, Eulers equation for motion of nonviscous fluid, gravitational waves in nonviscous fluids, Navier-Stokes Equation for viscous fluids, viscous flow within a pipe, some turbulence and laminar wake (can be used to calculate the lift of a wing), all along with some basic thermodynamics and vector calculus. Plagiarism: For creation of this script we have closely oriented ourselves towards Laundau Lifschitz Course in theoretical physics Vol 6 Fluid Mechanics. This is no original work! Even though we have tried to write everyting in our own words (in order to have to understand everything), most of the formulas are similar or equal to the book, while some of the steps which seemed too fast are supplemented by own “fill in” calculations. I will not cite anything properly, since this is not an official paper or homework or term paper, and since I basically cite every line of calculation and from the content also every line of text.