Response of rigid body assemblies to dynamic excitation

Shaking table tests were conducted to investigate the response of rectangular wooden blocks and block assemblies of various sizes and slenderness to harmonic and earthquake base excitation. The shaking tests were followed by an analytical and a numerical study of response of single blocks and block assemblies. The analytical study was aimed at establishing criteria for the initiation of rocking and of overturning in response to harmonic base motion and consisted of solving numerically the differential equations of motion of a rigid block on a rigid foundation. The numerical study, in the course of which the response of both single blocks and block assemblies was examined, was implemented by means of the Distinct Element Method (DEM). Prior to the DE simulation of actual shaking tests, preliminary analyses were conducted to confirm numerical stability and to evaluate material and damping parameters. Comparing the recorded time histories with those given by the analytical study and the DE simulation, good agreement was found. The distinct element model in use appeared to follow the highly non-linear motion of rigid body assemblies faithfully to reality. On the basis of the results, provided that the necessary parameters are carefully estimated, the employed DE model can be regarded as an appropriate tool to simulate response of rigid body assemblies to dynamic base excitation.