This paper addresses the problem of quantifying and modeling financial institutions’ operational risk in accordance with the Advanced Measurement Approach put forth in the Basel II Accord. We argue that standard approaches focusing on modeling stochastic dependencies are not sufficient to adequately assess operational risk. In addition to stochastic dependencies, causal topological dependencies between the risk classes are typically encountered. These dependencies arise when risk units have common information- and/or work-flows and when failure of upstream processes imply risk for downstream processes. In this paper, we present a modeling strategy that explicitly captures both topological and stochastic dependencies between risk classes. We represent the operational-risk taxonomy in the framework of a hybrid Bayesian network (BN) and provide an intuitively compelling approach for handling causal relationships and external influences. We demonstrate the use of hybrid BNs as a tool for mapping causal dependencies between frequencies and severities of risk events and for modeling common shocks. Monte-Carlo simulations illustrate that the impact of topological dependencies on triggering overall system breakdowns can be substantial.
H. Martz.
Bayesian reliability analysis
S. Lauritzen.
Propagation of Probabilities, Means, and Variances in Mixed Graphical Association Models
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Position Paper on the New Basel Capital Accord - Consultative Document from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (January 2001)
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The Correlation Problem in Operational Risk
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