바이오미미크리 디자인 특성을 적용한 친환경 주거 계획
Biomimicry refers to mimicking the form and wisdom of the nature and applying it to the overall industry. The purpose of this study is to research environmentally-friendly characteristics of biomimicry design and apply them to dwelling, based on the fact that it can provide benefits of both design and environmental-friendliness, in order to provide basic data for planning environmentally-friendly house based on biomimicry design characteristics. As a research method, architecture that applied biomimicry design characteristics was analyzed. First, the concept and characteristics of design lens and environmentally-friendly dwelling were discussed, and design and environmentally-friendly space characteristics were organized to analyze the correlation of elements in planning environmentally-friendly dwelling and biomimicry design characteristics. Four keywords (resource, compliance, integration, evolution) were found and applied to analyze cases. As a result, buildings that applied biomimicry were all providing rich lighting, ventilation, and view. This shows that biomimicry design is familiar to people because of its similarity to nature and has high architectural function because of optimized structure. Also, based on the result, the study proposed a plan for environmentally-friendly apartment house by biomimicing DNA structure.